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Have you got or are getting an iPhone 4?

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Have you got or are getting an iPhone 4?

Have you got or are getting an iPhone 4? Voteba1130%Have you got or are getting an iPhone 4? Voteba12 30% 
[ 3 ]
Have you got or are getting an iPhone 4? Voteba1170%Have you got or are getting an iPhone 4? Voteba12 70% 
[ 7 ]
Total Votes : 10

Have you got or are getting an iPhone 4? Empty Have you got or are getting an iPhone 4?

Post by Alex Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:13 am

Apple have recently been having issues with the iPhone! Is this stopping you from getting one? Or do you already have one? Very Happy

Operating System : Mac
Number of posts : 137
Registered : 2008-12-10

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Have you got or are getting an iPhone 4? Empty Re: Have you got or are getting an iPhone 4?

Post by Guest Sun Jul 11, 2010 6:18 am

Its made me reconsider wanting to rush out and get one

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